Here is how to make Anki do more of a Goldlist thing: Add "14d" to the "Learning Steps" setting. It should now look like "1m 10m 14d" Change "Graduating interval" to "9999". Set "Leech Threshold" to "12". Change "Hard interval" to "1.00". ( This might not actually be needed) I also suggest setting "new cards per day" to "0". I have always done this so that I can manually add how many cards I want. *Important* : Answer questions only hard or good. (1 or 3 shortcut) So what will happen is that once you memorize a card for the first time, the interval will be the standard 14 day Goldlist interval. These will be shown as "learning" in the statistics. If you get it right after the 14 days, then the interval will be 9999 days (out of the way for quite some time). These will be shown as "Mature". Depending on what you want, you could suspend them. If you get it wrong after 14 days, then it will make you relearn the word that day. "Learning" again. A card is marked a leech after 12 lapses, which would be the same as going through the gold level. Change to 8 for just Silver. Since there is no interaction of writing out things anymore, the 1m 10m is still needed. Also, there is no reviewing a list before distilling. You get the words right the first time you see them or they don't get distilled. Whether it is "better" or not is debatable. A drawback of these setting is that all the cards from 2 weeks ago come in all at once. There is no way to break it down into smaller pieces. Changing "Graduating Interval" to 14 instead of making it a learning step almost fixes that, but the interval is not always exactly 14... there is some kind of smoothing that will scatter them out around day 14. I came up with this after I thought it might be better to actually recall the words than to just see what I remember the best.
Ok so I realized that setting the leech threshold doesn't do anything for this set up, since until it gets past the 14 day gap, it's still in learning mode and so doesn't count any lapses. So There's some more overhead there if you want to import a bunch of new words. However, if you review all cards you added the same day you add them, then just add 24 weeks to the "date added" and you will know. This is working very well for me. However, I cannot consistently distill 1/3 of the words as per the original Goldlist idea. It's usually more like 1/5. However this IS consistent with my experiments for "covering up" the answers for a goldlist distillation. It is slower, but hey, I find that the words I distill are much more solid that before... It's more in the "recallable" zone than the "familiar" zone.