This forum is getting more and more active, not to mention that the software runs quite smoothly. Just dropped by to say hi for the moment. Not sure what exactly I will do, if I am going to mirror or write differently. Looking forward to hearing from everyone
Welcome Expugnator. I recognize you from reading HTLAL. Probably just the easiest thing to do for each forum is just respond to things that come up in either place. As for beginning a thread on a topic or your logs, either place will probably do. Re mirroring, that seems more suitable for logs, but for posting a new topic, I am not sure. It would probably be awkward to go back and forth with an ongoing non-log thread posted in both forums. Of course that is not an issue for me since I was uncermoniously booted from HTLAL over a year ago (they really should have a drumming out ceremony ).
Welcome Expugnator! Very noble looking dog you have there. Thanks for joining; use the forum however you see fit.