A new site to learn language. Now it is in beta-test, it is free and the availables languages are french and english. Spanish, german, italian, russian, japanese and swedish will be available (but we don't know when). One of my student made such compliment about it. So I started to try it yesterday, it focus on the learning of vocabulary in the context with audio (and algorythme like anki or menrise). If you are not a beginner, the beginning seems long because you have to answer a lot of questions before the programme reach your vocabulary level. But after a little more than 2 hours I started to learn new words in english I like that for each word they try to give you all the translations and if you answer wrong (ex: those instead of these), they show you the real definition of the wrong word. They also give you some grammar point but not a lot. They assume that you will learn the grammar as a child by assimilation. Beside the main section (vocabulaire in context), there are two others sections : read and listen. For now this section just provide you text and audio for your level, wich it is already good for beginers. I hope the russian version will come soon https://lingvist.io/
(moved to product reviews) Thanks for the review Marine. Do you think learning grammar by assimilation will work well with this product?
For the grammar's question, there are a section with the basis rules of grammar : But it is sure that you'll need more than that to handle all the rules. However, I think it is a good way to see grammar in context. For me, it is more efficient to ask myself "Why this declinaison ? Why this ending and not this one ?" and then research the answer. When I just follow grammar book or organised lesson, I learn rules that I don't need (at this time) so I'll forget them. I better remember when I learn rules when I need them.