Just tryin to be like bigdog. I got a low bid to get these typed out. I'll add them as I get them from my typist. You may notice that there are already hard Chinese subtitles. And there are english subtitles at Viki. So why do I want a document? I want to use a mouse-over dictionary. I'm spoiled that way. I want the transcripts for 3 reasons. 1) English subtitles are great to check my understanding, but I also like being able to instantly look up individual words' meanings, which often get lost in translation. 2) The audio of the video is usually sufficient to figure out correct pronunciation, but it's also nice to be able to instantly look up pinyin when it's unclear. 3) Because I haven't scripts for my shows, and I like to read with a mouse-over dictionary for the reasons mentioned, I have been reading additional material. Unfortunately it's pretty hard to find long, interesting transcripts right at my level that also have audio, and I have milked most of my sources almost dry.
That's awesome! Are you going to provide all episodes? It looks like there are 50. Questions: 1) This is a nitpic, but I loaded the script into LingQ, and skips 2 lines for every line of text. Also, it doesn't seem to parse correctly. Is there any way to somehow compress the characters? 2) I have some .srt subtitle files for Japanese dramas. Is there a way to extract a nice, clean transcript out of these, without timing info and such?
BD - I just emailed you the first 10 episodes. Can you attach them to the first post? Provided the typist doesn't flake out on me, yes. Is it possible that you downloaded the plain text file? If so, try again with the word file. If not, I can't help you. Yes, there is software that will do it. But there is another way that's not too hard, if you have excel and don't feel like downloading software. 1. Open the srt file with a text editor. 2. Paste it into column B of excel 3. create a list of sequential numbers in column A 4. sort both columns by column B 5. highlight both columns only for the rows that have the text 6. sort by column A 7. copy and past text into a word doc
In case anyone is interested, these are harder to read that I expected. LingQ tells me there are about 20 unknown words per minute of audio (for me). Ideally, I prefer 10 or less. But this is so much more interesting than the terrible beginner lessons that I had to look forward to elsewhere, it's worth the extra work.
Done. Thanks very much! I wasn't able to load the folder - I'll look into how to do this by next time. That's why you're seeing 10 separate files.
That sounds like Windows file encoding vs Unix. The Unix standard finishes each line with a single character -- Windows uses two: "carriage return" and "line break". Some applications will treat both as a newline, and LingQ is clearly in that camp.
Thanks for the clarification. And that comment was for the old version of ep. 1 that was up there before he added 01-10. The new version looks to be typed directly into a word doc, and behaves much better.
I just sent you 10 more lessons - please post. The first typist quit after only 10 lessons. Luckily, that's all I paid her for. But I didn't find out until the deadline passed, so I wasted a bunch of time. The new typist seems to be pretty content with pay, so I hope to get the rest of the series in the next few weeks.
Thanks. It looks like this typist is actually going to finish the job. Per out conversation, I'm looking into finishing off "The Struggle (奋斗)". Will try to get permission to post it here.
I got your latest installation - sorry for the delay. I wasn't able to attach files for a few days, but it's been resolved.
I don't know why it happened, but they pulled the youtube videos that viki was using. In summary, english subtitles are not available at this time on viki, and may never be. But you can still read the scripts and watch different versions of the show on youtube. Most of the scenes are still covered by the transcripts, but the cuts are sometimes different. Doe anybody know how to get english subtitles for a show from viki after the videos have been pulled?
Sorry to necro an old thread, but this thread was really helpful to me; thanks! I'm also currently watching "A Clear Midsummer Night" (which incidentally seems to be the official translation; only Viki has "Clear Midsummers Night"). I downloaded your hard subtitle transcriptions and found them really helpful. Similarly I thought others arriving on this thread to download the files might find the below information useful. To answer your question, it's actually quite easy to get the translated (soft) subtitles from Viki. Either use a website like "downsub.com", or you can do it manually by opening the video page and then looking in the network tab in your browser to find the SRT file. I used "downsub.com" directly, and it was very straightforward. Of course, these methods do not help with getting hard subs, so it is really helpful to get your hardsubbed transcriptions. Viki now has most of the episodes working for this show, but some episodes (such as episode 4) are currently not working because the youtube video was pulled. In those cases, you can still open the video page and can still download the SRT. Then view the files alongside another version of the episode on youtube. You are right that there seem to be some different cuts available, which is quite strange. It can be a little difficult to match up the subtitles to the version you are watching, but the SRT file has timestamps included, so this helps a little (if there is a gap of several seconds between the end of one segment and the start of the next, that usually means a change of scene).
Not at all - the info you provided was great. I eventually got all the english subs by finding the srt files with chrome, but when I got around to reading the Chinese, the videos and english subs were working again on Viki. Go figure! I'll have to try that downsub.com sometime in the future.
At the moment, some episodes are not working on Viki, such as episodes 4 and 13. So I have to read the subtitles for those episodes. Also, some episodes have large portions missing, for example in episode 13 after 4:06, there is 3-4 minutes missing, so I'm trying to find that from the Chinese version. Unfortunately, it seems it's also missing from the Chinese version: 害你失去了母爱 = "caused you to lose a mother's love!" (SRT line 71) 你还能叫她姐姐吗 = "You are still able to call her 'elder sister'?" (not in SRT) 怕了 = "Scared?" (SRT line 72) There are a whole load of other lines between SRT lines 71 and 72 that are missing (about 30 more lines in total). I may just transcribe them myself. If I do that, I'll post them on here.
Hi all!! It's been a long time...more than one year since my last post, but I finally finished the transcription of the lines between SRT lines 71 and 72 as per my above post. I've been doing it on and off for months, mostly "off" because my recent marriage to a 中国公民 took up a lot of my time!! The missing section consists of 39 lines (not including SRT lines 71 and 72 themselves), made up of: 2 lines spoken by Qiao Jin Fan 16 lines spoken by Qiao Ming Jiao 1 line spoken by Lai Xue 7 lines spoken by Qiao Jin Fan 13 lines spoken by Lai Xue I will give the Chinese transcriptions and approximate translations (below text comes between lines 71 and 72, not including those lines; after the last line, Qiao Jin Fan picks up the metal vase and walks threateningly towards Lai Xue as seen in the Viki video after the "jump"). Bear in mind that I'm almost a total beginner in Chinese, so there may be many errors and I'm more than happy to be notified if any of the Chinese transcriptions look wrong (I can go back to the original video and check them) or if the translations are wrong. [Qiao Jin Fan] 你还能叫她姐姐吗 You are still able to call her 'big sister'? (no Chinese) Huh?! [Qiao Ming Jiao] 你对我那么凶干吗 Why are you so vicious towards me? 你说的这些我根本就不知道啊 All these things you’re saying – I know nothing about them! 以前你从来不会骂我的 Previously, you never scolded me! 自从那个叫夏晩睛的女人出现之后 Since that woman Xia Wanjing appeared, 你就对我越来越坏了 you are getting worse and worse towards me. 我就叫她姐姐 I called her ‘big sister’. 怎么了 What’s wrong with that? 我希望有一个人可以疼我爱我 I wish for a person who loves me and takes care of me. 那个我叫妈妈的人 The person who I called mother... 她疼过我吗 did she love me? 照顾过我吗 Did she take care of me? 从小到大她没有给过我一点幸福 Since I was young until I was fully grown, she hasn’t given me even a little bit of happiness. 她根本就不记得我了 She did not even remember me! 我为什么要爱她 Why should I love her? 她活着就是受罪 "She is really suffering in her life; 让我们大家一起爱罪 let’s let everyone around us feel guilty!" {Qiao Jin Fan slaps Qiao Ming Jiao hard across the face} [Lai Xue] 明娇 Ming Jiao! {Qiao Ming Jiao runs off; Xie Chuang stares at Qiao Jin Fan} [Qiao Jin Fan] 看什么看 What are you looking at? {Xie Chuang runs off after Qiao Ming Jiao} 莱雪 Lai Xue, 我警告你 I warn you, 不要技明娇 don’t trick Ming Jiao; 不要惹我们乔家 don’t anger the Qiao household. 要不然我不知道 Otherwise, I don’t know 我会做出什么事情来 what I will do to you! [Lai Xue] 那我也告诉你 I also tell you that. 如果是我留在爸身辺 As long as I stay with my Dad, 在乔氏凭我的本事 the Qiao are no problem for me. 乔老太会珍惜我这个孙女的 The Qiao grandmother will cherish me as a granddaughter. 另外 In addition, 我会让你后悔 I will make you regret 让你看到我莱雪的才能 letting yourself see what I am capable of 因为我比你更能帮到乔家 because I can help you more than the Qiao family. 我也不怕你知道我要什么 I’m not afraid to tell you what I want. 津帆哥 My brother, Jin Fan, 你真的太自大了 you really are too arrogant. 只知道自已不要什么 You only know what you don’t want 而不知道自已要什么 but you don’t know what you do want.