Ladies & Gents, I finally got the courage up to try to upgrade again, and this time it worked There are a few new features. If you have questions, please watch this video first: New Features of Forum Software (XenForo 1.3)
How did you originally come upon XenForo ? Of all the forums I've visited, I like this software the best. By the way, we're all on to you. We know Big Dog is not your real name. Your real name is, Spoiler Woof !
How did you find out? I actually did a lot of research. First, I didn't want anything free, because I wanted dedicated support and excellent up-to-date security. Then I looked at the biggest, most popular pay products, and narrowed it down to 3. One of them used to be really good, but had developed into a piece of crap. Another one had a lot more bells and whistles, but was very slow. Xenforo requires some add-ons, but it's faster, and it looks better out of the box. At the time I was really attracted to a certain karma add-on available for xenforo only, which I still haven't purchased. Maybe someday.
Ok, nested posts works now, but a couple of notes: 1) It only works on new posts (from the time of this post on). So if you want to quote somebody who quoted somebody else last week, it won't nest. 2) It only nests one deep. I tried to install an add-on that will let us nest as deep as we want to, and show our avatars, but it didn't work. I'm still hopeful that the programmer can fix it and I will be able to install it, but no promises at this point.
The main criticism I have seen of xenforo is the fact that addons are required to implement so many functions that are standard in other forum software. While they likely doesn't want to discourage 3rd party addons, they should consider just replicating and including addons in future builds, just like Mozilla does for Firefox. It is very nice software though. Of course the test of speed and scale is a forum the size of HTLAL.