Has anyone messed with the settings for Anki? I'm looking into this because my students prefer flashcards. I for one would want to remove a card completely if I get it right the first time, or if I get it right after a 2 week gap. I guess that would just mean making some of the settings ridiculously high. Also, having reviews pile up is bad enough, I don't want new cards to pile up too.
I've messed with some anki settings, but not the ones you're talking about. Rather than do it through settings, I have deleted all cards older than a month several times. That's one way to reduced the time I spend with flashcards.
Yeah, you might try the Anki Forum. They are generally pretty helpful, although like most free computer support forums there are some cranky people.
Hmm the closest I can get right now is to set "new cards" -> "easy interval" to 99 and "reviews"->"easy bonus" to 999% Hitting easy the first time kicks the card out 3.3 months, and the next time I think it will be 33 months. If i then also use "easy" after I remembered after 14 days, then that's a hack to get those out of my way. For my students I might just delete some cards every so often from their device. I do like that cards get leeched by default, after 8 forgets. That still means they saw the thing 7 times and it's probably time to just try to see it in context anyway.