Aunque sepa que hay una gran variedad de música en español, no consigo encontrar muchas canciones que a mí me gustan. He encontrado algunas, cierto, tal como: Lila Downs - "Yo envidio el viento" Paco de Lucia - "Entre dos aguas" Aterciopelados - "Baracunata" Los Prisioneros - "Tren al sur" Pues, no creo que exista un hilo conductor entre estas canciones...solo son canciones que he encontrado a traves de la radio española y de conversaciones con hispanohablantes. ¿A vosotros qué tipos de música o qué grupos (en español) os gustan?
Café Tacvba - Dos Niños Bomba Estéreo - Bailar Conmigo Enanitos Verdes - Lamento Boliviano Rebekah del Rio - Llorando Soda Stereo - Paseando Por Roma
I like the pop genre. At the top of the list is Muelle de San Blas by mana(I bought some CDs of theirs just to get used to their accent), Juanes, and Oreja de Van go (reminds me of No Doubt)
Me gustan las canciones de Gloria Estefan (de los Estados Unidos / Cuba), de Maná (banda de rock de México) y de Mecano (de España).
Me gusta el segundo movimiento del concierto de Aranjuez (Rodrigo) pero en general no conozco mucha música española.
The great philosopher Paul McCartney once weighed in on the topic of silly little love songs and I've long since been an admitted devotee of the genre. A Polish friend introduced me to this Spanish language song sung by Jeanette, a British born pop singer, here lip syncing her big hit with a fake band, And then there's this Japanese version sung by the German and Persian speaking Tehrani born actress Jasmin Tabatabai, Multiconfused, and you ?
dueto Peninsular make think of Portuguese Fado. Maybe it's the type of melancholy as well as the style. I cry so quickly with music like this.
it's weird that the trumpeter fake when the sound track hasn't trumpet.... I mean between the short trumpet passages. The song is ok first, but quickly boring. I think that I know a better version, it is so familiar.
I don't know Spanish, but here are some tracks I like listening to while I'm playing on the computer (sorry, but I can't seem to copy the addresses tonight): Soha - Mil Pasos (She usually sings in French, but this track is in Spanish) Otros Aires - Otra Esquina Buika - just about any of her tracks but the most popular is probably No habra nadie en el mundo Diego de Cigala - En esta tarde gris / Soledad Bebe - Siempre me quedara Alesandro Sanz and Shakira - Te lo agredezco pero no
I did my best to translate the lyrics to that song last summer:
This is a great idea. When I have the time I will translate it in Dutch or German It's interesting that the wind has told her those things. The wind tell me things also, I mean the dead people are in the wind, not excalty but their soul I mean and I can feel this also and my grandmother's voice also is there. Sometimes the wind is extremely frightening but other times it's a sentimental feeling. Anyway, I like this song very much.
1) Pauline en la Playa – Mejor que su tocaya, la película de Eric Rohmer. Canciones dulces y pegadizas. 2) Klaus & Kinski - La música perfecta para conducir por la noche. 3) Xoel López – De vez en cuando es un poco melodramática para mí, pero bastante buena cuando quiero que la música sea sincera. 4) Joe Crepúsculo – El rey. ¡Supercrepus! Es de momento mi álbum favorito.