Just a heads up. I'm unable to attach files to posts right now. I have a ticket in on this - I assume it's due to the host change.
Tried to upload a 10.5mb file and got error saying too large. I'll try the Kato Lomb book at 745kb. -got generic error w/o reason
ok - so far 2 others have confirmed…I'm being told that it's a cache or browser extension problem. I've cleaned my cache to no avail. The host support group logged in and had no problems attaching. Can others try this?
I could upload w/FF browser before on the other server. Trying again: apparent success w/ Kato Lomb book file of 745kb for any1 interested.
Thanks all - it looks like they fixed the problems. I added mp4. The limit is 1250 kb - if you want to share something bigger, please just link to it.