There will be more episodes to come, this is thank you for posting the transcripts for Kitchen so I paid my friend to make these for another show which I think is very useful to study. I recommend if you study these use Abbyy Lingo dictionary, google translate, and most importantly if available a tutor especially for slang words and etc.
Here are some more, if someone could pitch and add some more after episode 8 I would really appreciate it
I recommend you place an ad on Elance. With a low bid you can normally get transcriptions for just a few dollars per episode. Please post them with us if you do.
does anyone know a torrent source for the first season? I found season 2 easily, but not the first one, curious. Thanks in advance!
Google gives a couple of links on its first page with the usual key words. Are you still looking for it ? Edit: You can also download directly from YouTube.
thks! I didn't find any torrent for the first season, but I didn't even think of checking on youtube. Looks perfect!
Place an ad on Upwork. With a low bid you can normally get transcriptions for just a few dollars per episode. Post them with us if you do.
I wondered why this series registered as slightly creepy - and then I realized that virtually everyone except Vika/Lika has blue eyes! I assume that even by Russia's standards that's an abnormally high density of blue-eyed people.